On a lighter note.....
I got a new toy and I LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE it =)
I cannot express how happy this new little toy makes me. Kinda lightens the mood after that last negative post, huh? =\
Sometimes you sit and you just think.......
Ya know, when you try to be optimistic your whole life, sometimes it backfires on you. When you think everything might just be working out well, it all just explodes. When you think that the glass is half-full, it goes ahead and empties out on you. It's hard to be positive when everybody else is so negative about everything. People ask me for suggestions, opinions, or sometimes they just spill their guts to me recounting every single negative aspect of their day, week, and life, and THENNNNNNNN, they expect me to be happy-go-lucky and jolly and tell them everything will be ok. But then other times, they don't want to hear my optimism, even when I think it is for the better, they brush it off. I've been through my tremendous hardships, I've cried my oceans, I've pained my heart and soul and yet I came out on top. Because of this, I try to share my positive thinking with others and they don't want to hear it. They want to make their decisions and layer them with cement so none of my positivity can get to it. Why is this? Do they think I'm spilling out all of these opinions/thoughts because I don't know what I'm talking about? Do they think I do this for fun? No....I actually try to help them understand that while they are going through their hardships and their "bumps in the road", the sun still shines, the wind still blows, the ocean still has waves, and the birds still sing their happy song. But ya know what, I'm tired of being positive. My story of coming up here and going through hardships has inspired nobody. It has not helped any of those who I have stretched my arm out to. It has not changed any minds and it has not caused one to ponder. It has done nothing, so therefore, I quit. I'm hanging my coat and hat. If you have a problem/worry about any situation you're in, yet you don't want to hear ANY positive words/thinking, don't come to me. Seriously. I can't help you if you don't let me. I can't tell you everything will be ok if you don't believe me. I can't believe in you if you don't believe in yourself first.
Some of the things I miss
Okay...the title of this post is pretty self-explanatory as to what the post will be about. I just wanted to list some things I miss because it is nice to be in a nostalgic mood every now and then.1) New episodes of Sex and the City. Unlike other shows who passed the 5-years-on-air mark, SATC never ever got old!!! It was always a great thing to tune in every Sunday night =(2) Cheap gas! What the hell, man?!?! It's like $2/gal for a freakin regular gallon of freakin gas. Who do they freakin think we are?!?!?! Bill freakin Gates?!?!?!?!3) Cuban food. Let's face it...I live in Virginia. The Cuban food market is not necessarily bustling down here. Don't get me wrong....I can cook up some mean grub!!!! But I like when others cook for me....somtimes.4) Good pop music. Now don't think I'm some bubble-gum, pink wearing, popomaniac. No. I'm not. But remember when groups like the Backstreet Boys came out with these hits that everybody was singing along to (I Want It That Way, Quit Playing Games with My Heart, etc.)?!?!? We don't have that anymore. Now, we have Paris Hilton attempting to sing some stupid song called Screwed. Stupid crap!!! But I feel bad for that girl. I genuinely do. Nobody should have their Sidekick II broken into and all that info splashed online. But I won't lie. I looked at the pics. I called a few numbers. I'm human.5) Power Rangers!!! I was in third grade when they came out.....and my oh my did I LOVE that Red Ranger!!!! And that place that they would go hang out at was SOOOO freakin cool! =)**Note: Mr. Webster, if you are reading this, can you please add the word "freakin" to your galore of vocabulary. It is such a freakin cool word =)
As I sit here, wiping my nose and drinking an unbelivable amount of orange juice for a human being (well, not a sick human being, that is), I think to myself, "Freakin A, man!!!! Why the hell am I sick. I hate being sick!!!" Well, that's not entirely true. I hate being sick to a certain extent. Here is my list of Pros and Cons for whenever I am sick:Pros1) I get to watch all of the reruns of Friends and Sex and the City that my little heart desires (I own Seasons 1,2, & 3 of Friends and Seasons 1 & 2 of Sex and the City, which obviously is evidence that I am missing quite a few seasons of each series, so if you care to buy a couple of Get Well seasons of either series, hit me up on a comment. You can hook me up ::wink wink::)2) I get to stay in my pajamas all day and perhaps forget to brush my teeth with an excuse (Let's face it, even a glam girl gets to be a little unglam when she's sick)3) I get to cover my pretty little eyes with one of those little slumber eye covers that says Beauty Sleep and not seem too "into myself".4) I get to catch all of the cool shows (okay...basically they are reruns of the shows I miss throughout the week because of school) on MTVCons1) Dry throat2) Limited diet3) Congestion (BLAH!!! That's the worst!!!)4) Stuffy nose5) Ok...now let's be honest!!! Stinky teeth all day is nasty....I don't like it. But nevertheless, you still have an excuse when you are sick6) You get SOOOOO bored being "held captive" in the same four walls all day (I can see why those housewives are so desperate...YIKES!!!)7) ExhaustionOk, fine.....the cons definitely outnumber the pros...but being sick every now and then is okay. After all, it lets you clean out your system. Power to the cold!!! Whoo-hoo.
DHL stands for Don't Hire Losers
I am never one to be rude to a company or an employee of the company because I know what it is to work in Customer Service. However, I know what it is to work in Customer Service for a company who offers good services. DHL Express claims to offer this great service, but definitely fell short when I decided to ship a package to Miami using their services. So here's the scoop:On Monday, February 28th, I shipped out a package to my niece in Miami for her birthday. I shipped it using a 2-Day service where the package should have arrived on Wednesday. Sure enough, Wednesday came along and I was anxiously awaiting a phone call from my niece blowing an infinite number of kisses and thanking me for the cool package (because I'm a cool tia!) But to my surprise, no phone call. I decided to go to www.dhl.com and track the package I had sent out. Once I signed on and checked the tracking nuber, I realized the package had been attempted to be delivered but failed. They would attempt the following business day. No biggie. It happens. But when my sister called me, she told me they hadn't even receieved one of those notes that says "We attempted a delivery. We will return yada yada yada" (you get my drift). Hmmmm...interesting. I decided to call DHL Express and give them a different address to ship it to (the business address of my sister and brother-in-law's company) The gentlemen informed me the information had been updated and that the attempt would be made again the following day. Ok, I thought, she'll get the package on Thursday...although I PAID for Wednesday, but that's cool. Thursday came, no package. Hmmmm....very interesting. DHL received another phone call from me. To my dismay, they said that according to THEM, the package had been delivered, but some other freight company was delivering it because DHL had "too much of a load". So let me get this straight, DHL, whom I paid for THEIR services, can't handle the load so they pawn it off on some unknown company that I have now knowledge of?!?!?!? Great! So if I go to McDonalds and order a Big Mac and they are too busy to take care of my order, are they going to give me a Whopper? I don't think so!!! So now here I am, it's Friday, and still no package has arrived for my niece. Oh DHL WILL be hearing from me in an extremely strong worded letter. Believe you me!!!