Just being a first-rate verison of myself instead of a second-rate version of someone else
Seeing as I haven't posted in quite some time, I have decided to definitely make this a worthwhile post and just throw out a bunch of info that those of you out there who know me might find some interest in (but then again, you guys DO have your own lives to live, so reading this is probably just pure entertainment for you)
- Some of my friends know that I have a new found interest (which borders on obsession) with ballet. I want to take some classes soon because while I have recently decided to actually pursue it, I have ALWAYS loved all forms of dance, especially ballet. And while I am not looking to attend Julliard, I still want to try to become somewhat intermediate. So wish me luck =)
- I finished reading The Broke Diaries, and might I add that it was a hell of a funny book! I was laughing out loud on SO MANY occasions that it was almost embarassing. But nevertheless, the book is definitely worth it! So go to your nearest book store and pick up a copy....PRONTO!
- I am officially addicted to Myspace! This website is like the epitome of the "center of the world". Literally. I have been able to find everybody and their mother on this site and even if I don't know the person, it is still fun to browse their site, see what music video/clip they have up, or just look at their pics. It's awesome! It rocks! It's THAT good!
- Just so you all know, Life is going pretty darn good. I love my new job and I love even more the fact that I have TWO days off a week. Yay me!
Ok, I know this post wasn't SO worthwhile....but I'll make it up to you guys. I promise =)
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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