Saving the world, one turtle at a time...or at least trying to

On my way to work today, I passed a small wood turtle in the middle of the road. I could see his little head stretched out trying to successfully make it to the other side. I immediately slowed down and tried to pull over, but there was no shoulder or turning lane to pull aside on. All I knew was that I had to help that little turtle cross the road. He probably had a family somewhere waiting for him or he was probably looking for a nice, cool pond to go swimming in. So I had to drive about half a mile, make a u-turn, and turn back onto the road where the turtle's fate had become my responsibility. When I reached the place where I had seen the turtle, my heart dropped.
There lay the small creature, crushed in the middle of the road.
I couldn't control the tears that burned my eyes as I thought how I had failed the turtle and how it was my fault that his family would continue waiting for him or how he would not have his refreshing swim. I felt horrible. I still feel horrible.
I have always wanted to save animals any way I can. Whether it be pulling over to scare a dog or cat into the woods so he wouldn't be so close to the traffic or slowing down even if I have 200 cars behind me so a crazed squirrel can carry his acorns across the road. I have always tried to be the savior for animals, but today, I failed. I'm sorry, little turtle. I am so sorry.
3 Comments: sad. I got all teary-eyed.
Don't worry, the little turtle can see you from animal heaven, and knows you meant well.
RIP, little turtle. =(
this post reminded me of an old episode of Full House. Where uncle Jesse finds the turtle. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Haha, oh how I loved TGIF :P
< S >
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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