Monday, July 11, 2005

Never Have I Ever

I just recently heard about this game called Never Have I Ever, which involves a whole lotta liquor and way too many taboo topics for the intoxicated mind. Although I have never played this game, I decided to conduct my own little Never Have I Ever as told by Auspicious1.

Oh yeah....if you don't know the concept of the game, let me give you a little summarized idea of it: Somebody says, for example, "Never have I ever had an orgy". While the ones who have never had one perk up in their seats and glance around at all of the little "many a partner" addicts around them, the ones who have had an orgy sheepishly drink up.

Well here is my big gulp, amigos. Cheers!

Never have I ever....gotten roses without a) a special occasion (i.e., my high school graduation) or b) being told I am going to get them sent to my house. And even then...I have only gotten roses twice in my lifetime. I've been in a relationship for a year. Only one of those times was during my relationship.

Never have I ever....been completely happy in all aspects of my life. Whether it be in my relationship, at work, at home, or wherever....I have never truly been completely happy.

Never have I ever....had any desire to think about the long-term. I have an unexplainable feeling that I won't live a long life (please don't ask me why I think this...I just do) so I choose to focus on the NOW....on what is good AT THAT TIME!

Never have I ever....been spoiled. I'll let you use your imagination. Maybe I mean at home, maybe in a relationship, maybe wherever. Just never.

Never have I ever...been truly, utterly, unbelivably, completely happy. Never.

**This post has its reasons. I need to vent. I need to escape. I just need to reconsider so many things**


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