Sunday, June 26, 2005

I hate how there are two people I care deeply for
Who cannot possibly hate eachother anymore
It's like not being able to fully enjoy an occassion
Because while you would like them both there,
that would just be a horrid situation
And it breaks my heart because I love them both so much
But the situation is still so sticky and putrid to touch
My dream would be for them both to resolve some differences they have
And in the end be able to hug and laugh
But that's just the peacemaker in me
And I have come to realize that this may never be
But if both would simply voice what they feel
There still might be a chance for this wound to heal
If you don't address an issue, how will the person ever know
It's like letting yourself decay and yet expecting a glow
Someone once said, "A friendship lasts through any amount of stupidity"
But there has to be a willingness to salvage what's left, with validity
I'm not trying to make a plea, I'm not trying to get some pity
Because I know you gotta just let things be
But the way Life is, sometimes just ending the next day
Would you wanna go never verbally saying what you should say
How you should stand up shout, "THIS IS HOW I FEEL!"
Or leave it bottled up inside where only you and a select few know the deal
Because you never know if things could be fixed
Because many times feelings can get mixed
And anger gets confused with aggravation
Not being able to understand another's frusteration
And things are left unsaid, sometimes not even til the end
Because the grudge is held and held and held with no resolution to lend
***I think I'm just menstrual and this is why my emotions convinced me to write this. If it's down in 5-7 days, you'll know why**


Blogger Frank said...

I think this posting shows the compassionate passion you possess and there is nothing wrong with posting it. You never know the things in life that you are supposed to do even if they make no difference in the long run. They do make a difference in your life. Plus, the road traveled is a strange one in deed and do not be surprised if one day these two people you love so much do build a bridge of common ground and are able to use it to reach that state of happiness you and they may share.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Frank -- Thank you so very much. I always try to be optimistic, so this thought has crossed my mind, but it is always nice to hear such encouraging words from another person.

9:14 AM  

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