Lo que es ta 'pa ti, nadie te lo quita....
....ain't that the truth!!! Basically, the title of this post is "What is meant for you, nobody can take it away." Patience is truly a virtue and Lord knows I am ever so grateful for that. Let me give you the updated information...
This week has been one of the best weeks I have had in a long time for quite a few reasons. This may be a long post...but I'm not completely sure yet.
Earlier this week, I received a verrrry unexpected phone call from a man with whom I'd had a job interview with what seemed like ages ago. The interview went very well and everything seemed extremely promising, until I had not heard from them for almost two weeks. I mean, I spoke with them about benefits and everything! And this was after they said they were ready to give me an offer the next day. Hmmmm. Just to make sure nobody had died, I called the office and the lady who initially interviewed me said she apologized tremendously on the boss's behalf, but he had been so busy. She assured me she would give him my message and that he would be calling me very soon. When he was finally able to give me a call, he profusely apologized for the delay, but informed me that the reason for the delay was because he was trying to set up a tuition reimbursement benefit with his company. I thought that was pretty cool and figured I should give him some time to get everything in place before I joined the crew. Sounds easy, right? I mean, just be patient and he'll call.
About a month passed. No call.
Then, this Wednesday afternoon, I received a call from a number that looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. I decided to screen it, but seeing that they never left a voicemail, I just called back. Sure enough, it was the boss-man. He began the conversation with what seemed like a neverending script of apologies and proceeded to ask me, "What are you doing job wise?" I honestly answered, "Well, I was kinda sticking to where I am because I never heard back from you guys." He then said, "How would you like to try something different?" While I was excited to perhaps be starting a new adventure, I couldn't help but be a bit skeptical. I mean, after all, they hadn't called me in so long and even though they had given me that whole "tuition reimbursement" story, I suspected it was a problem with the minimum salary requirement I had put on the back page of my resume since it was quite a bit more compared to what I am making now...okay, it's a WHOLE lot more, but hey, I didn't want to sell myself short. I gotta eat and I want to have some fun every now and then. So I nonchalantly answered, "Perhaps". He said he would email the offer the next day and to just get back to him at my earliest convenience (actually, more like Monday) so we could get the ball rolling. I would wait for the email, but to tell you the truth, I didn't expect it. Why get my hopes up and end up waiting about a gazillion years for a freakin' offer?
And then....it came. At 2 p.m. the next day, my Sidekick II buzzed to inform me that I had a new email waiting for me. When I opened it, I realized it was the offer and I started to scroll down. I was basically skimming it, knowing exactly what I wanted my eyes to fall right upon. When I got to it, my breath shortened, my lunch rose back into my esophagus, and I dropped my phone on the desk. Oh my god. They accepted my minimum salary offer and even increased it by $1,000. I would be making THAT plus receiving tuition reimbursement, benefits, paid holidays, paid sick days, paid vaction days, and even a gym membership?!?!?!? Are you serious? I couldn't believe this. I had to reread the email about 5 times, and my breath was still short. This was what I have been waiting for since I moved here. I was waiting for this sensational feeling of true fulfillment and here it was. And it's not to say that I need monetary success to feel fulfilled, but I would finally be able to live like a 20 year-old. Go out and not worry so much about whether or not I have enough money in my pocket to ride the Metro into DC or if we went out to eat, I might have to order a side salad and some water because, well, I was counting pennies. This was what I had been waiting for for 2 years. My patience literally paid off this time. I took the offer and my first day of employment there is August 8th. Yay me! =)
In car news, I should be flying down to Miami one-way and driving the car back up. Whoo freakin hoo!!! Here is literally a spitting image of the car, except for the rims...mine will have the solid silver lines instead of the two silver lines in each part of the star....DOUBLE yay me! =)

Congrats on the job offer :o)
< S >
Congratulations on both.
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