Friday, September 16, 2005 sure has been a while.

While this will more or less be a pretty random post, I must start out by apologizing for my lack of posting on this wondeful concoction of a blog. I've just been hella busy (HAHAHA....I don't even use that word!)

Well, life has been pretty good for the last month or so. My new job is going AWESOME and I'm loving ALLLLLLL of my co-workers. I share my little office space with a girl who brightens my day everyday with her utter wackiness. So, in the professional aspect, life is good.

Outside of work, school is going good considering I am only taking one class this semester, but next semester I will be bumping it up to two classes. You see, I get tuition reimbursement at my job, which is very good, but I need to pay the tuition in the meantime while I am waiting for the semester to end. But school is going rather swell =)

My new car is great and I'm LOVING it! I am now an official Toyota maniac. I love everything about Toyota, from their cars to the way they handle to their reliability to EVERYTHING!!!

My boyfriend flies into town tomorrow, which is also his 21st birthday. I have a nice dinner planned once he arrives and the rest of the week will basically just be chilling and hanging out. I haven't seen him since my excitement level is SEVERELY high =D

Ummm....hmmm....let me think. Oh yeah, I'm selling my Kanye West CD for $0.50 so any one interested, throw me a line. Basically the man is an ignorant, arrogant, self-centered, miserable little prick. He doesn't know when to shut up nor does he even know how to speak eloquently. Sure, he says some powerful things that have to be appreciated because he is speaking from his soul, but he speaks with nothing to support it. I hope his eyes rot with maggots. Thank you and have a great day =)

Congratulations to Britney and Kevin for giving birth to their beautiful little boy on Wednesday. Welcome to the world, Sean Preston Federline!

Okay...well, considering I am posting from work, I must go now, my fellow bloggers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kanye west is right,

you should look at the facts since bush took office...more people in poverty, the middle class is shrinking, more people w/o health care...oh yeah and the iraq war which is a mess...

a 39% approval rating doesn't lie...

just because kennedy messed up the bay of pigs doesnt mean that the republicans care about cubans let alone hispanics...

unfortunately no one really cares about cuba in this's time to move on

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

9:21 AM  

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