Rambling is always key
....at least when it comes to speaking what is on my mind. Here are some ramblings that perhaps my small, but very meaningful audience shall enjoy....well, hopefully.
- I received a phone call this morning from my OB-GYN. Now, my female readers can agree that a call from your OB-GYN 2 months after a pap smear is most definitely a reason to be somewhat nervous. So when I call them back, it so happens that on my results for my pap smear, I had some atypical cells show up. Now, before anyone worries or freaks out or whatever, the nurse assured me that it is nothing to be worried about because it so happens that my results were negatvie for HPV, which is what causes cervical cancer. She also assured me that is quite common for results to come back like that if, say, I am near my menstrual cycle or something like that. So worry not, my friends. I will have to have another pap smear in 4 months just to make sure the results come back normal so come fast January =)
- My boyfriend is visiting and will be leaving early Sunday morning...but that doesn't mean we will just stay home and act melancholy. No, no, no. We will be driving up to NYC today after I get out of work at 2 pm. Yay!!! It will be Fancy Magic's first trip to the Big Apple and I am so excited for her =)
- I am going to give up fast food...cold turkey. Lately, after I've eaten Taco Bell or McDonalds or ANY fast food for that matter, my stomach starts growling as if it is going to eat itself from the inside out. Blah....no more fast food for me.
Okay...well, it's 1:30 and I have to finish some things here at work before I head out. Have a splendid weekend =)
I love you and miss you sweetheart, and I pray that the results are nothing serious.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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