Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I've dreamt of a city....

My life is not a difficult one. Instead, it is something that I dream of. I dream of my past, of my future, and most importantly, of my present. I dream of my surroundings and all of the relationships I have with people. I have come to muddle all of these dreams together to build the ultimate dream...my city.

When I say 'city', I don't mean a physical city per se. I don't dream of New York or Washington, DC, or even Miami. I dream of a city that inhabits all of my different moods, personalities, senses, relationships, and thoughts. Mr. Webster defines 'city' as being a center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance. My city is in fact of a significant size and importance. It makes up the anatomy of my temple that works hard, the fuel that energizes that temple, and the drive I have to always keep that temple holy and the fuel constantly flowing. My city is my body, my blood, my sweat, my tears. All of my moods and personalities and relationships make up the population and the commerce and the culture is made up of the roots I hold of my ancestors. I am a city. And I must reside within this city for as long as air flows through my lungs and blood surges through my veins. If something is wrong within my city, it will be taken care of post haste. If I disapprove of something, it will be rid of. If I like something, it will be praised and accentuated. If I am obsessed with something, my city will relish in the neverending festivals to celebrate that obsession.

Everybody has a city, they just don't realize how great it is. They don't realize how it should be appreciated and how every little thing about it should always be honored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

7:20 AM  

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