Monday, March 14, 2005

Some of the things I miss

Okay...the title of this post is pretty self-explanatory as to what the post will be about. I just wanted to list some things I miss because it is nice to be in a nostalgic mood every now and then.

1) New episodes of Sex and the City. Unlike other shows who passed the 5-years-on-air mark, SATC never ever got old!!! It was always a great thing to tune in every Sunday night =(
2) Cheap gas! What the hell, man?!?! It's like $2/gal for a freakin regular gallon of freakin gas. Who do they freakin think we are?!?!?! Bill freakin Gates?!?!?!?!
3) Cuban food. Let's face it...I live in Virginia. The Cuban food market is not necessarily bustling down here. Don't get me wrong....I can cook up some mean grub!!!! But I like when others cook for me....somtimes.
4) Good pop music. Now don't think I'm some bubble-gum, pink wearing, popomaniac. No. I'm not. But remember when groups like the Backstreet Boys came out with these hits that everybody was singing along to (I Want It That Way, Quit Playing Games with My Heart, etc.)?!?!? We don't have that anymore. Now, we have Paris Hilton attempting to sing some stupid song called Screwed. Stupid crap!!! But I feel bad for that girl. I genuinely do. Nobody should have their Sidekick II broken into and all that info splashed online. But I won't lie. I looked at the pics. I called a few numbers. I'm human.
5) Power Rangers!!! I was in third grade when they came out.....and my oh my did I LOVE that Red Ranger!!!! And that place that they would go hang out at was SOOOO freakin cool! =)

**Note: Mr. Webster, if you are reading this, can you please add the word "freakin" to your galore of vocabulary. It is such a freakin cool word =)


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