Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Importance of Secondary Salaries (Click to Save Me)

It is safe to say that it is human nature (well, at least I know it's guaranteed to be American nature) to always look for the get rich quick schemes. You see it all over television, online, in magazines, EVERYWHERE. They are the ads that read, "Make $3,500 a week working from your very own home!" some even say, "Be your own boss and make a 6-figure salary!" Now let's be honest, these schemes seldom work, and when they do, it is required that you have a decent amount of money in the first place in order to get started with it. But if you already have money to begin with, truthfully, why would you be looking for these get rich quick schemes? Maybe the answer would be greed. Hmmm.

Anyways! That has nothing to do with the purpose of this post!

Ever since I moved to Virginia, I have always seeked a secondary income because it helps me out better in the end. I work for a non-profit organization. Let's face it, the salaries are not glamorous! When I first got here, I worked part-time at a pharmacy. That worked out okay until they tried to work me like a slave and put in 24 hours in a 48 hour weekend. Mind you, I was going to school AND working 40 hours a week. Sheesh!

Once I quit the pharmacy gig, I went ahead and worked on Sundays at my current job making some overtime cash and I have been working there since. But me, just like all of America, is always looking for a get rich quick scheme. After reading in a recent Time magazine article of a man who had a blog with Google ads on it made $5,000 a month, I decided this was quite a journey to venture on. So I went ahead and signed up with Google Adsense and had them put some ads on my site. Every time someone clicks on them, I make some loot...well, it's not really loot. Only two people have clicked on ads and I have made a glamorous 29 cents. Therefore, thisis my plea post, where I ask ALL visitors to please scroll all the way down my blog, and click on an ad....or two! And even use the Google search engine provided on my page. For all who have seeked a secondary income at least once in their lifetime, I ask you to please Click to Save Me and help me earn a penny or two =)

Thank you in advance!


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