Friday, January 28, 2005

The 5 T.G.A.F.s (The Good About Fridays)

Just some things I was thinking about.

  1. Throughout the ENTIRE week, you wake up late, sometimes dreading to go to work, but mainly just dreading the waking-up-so-early part. But on Fridays, you are so ecstatic that the weekend is literally RIGHT around the corner, that you wake up early with no problem. This may be because you are so excited it's Casual Friday at work and you can rock your new, great fitting jeans from American Eagle (That is, if Casual Fridays even exists at your job).
  2. Clearing your desk for the weekend seems just a bit easier and more enjoyable since you won't be returning for two days.
  3. People seem just a bit more easy going at work. Almost as if for the first half of the week, we are just a bunch of walking zombies.
  4. The gym is full of people who REALLY want to go to the gym after 5pm. What's missing? The pretty, young ladies who just like to walk around the gym and pretend they are using the machines (they change machines every 2 minutes!) In reality, they are only there to show off the new workout gear they bought at some pricey boutique and how it fits SOOOO well. Where are these ladies on Fridays you ask? Simple. Getting ready for the bar, club, party, and/or Happy Hour.
  5. I read in Health Magazine that when an employee wears jeans to work (ex. Casual Fridays), they burn an EXTRA 20 calories a day. YAY!!! Friday is probably my healthiest day =)


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