Thursday, January 27, 2005

Ahhh, yes....the beauty of a blog!

Welcome one, welcome all! I decided to go ahead and start this blog for various reasons:

  1. I thought it would be a great way to keep my family and friends up-to-date with how my vida is going. Yep.....distance does make the heart grow fonder!
  2. There was this one chick who had a blog and she became REALLY famous by it (her blog name was Washingtonienne). But she got fired because she did dirty things on Capitol Hill and proceeded to write about it online. But then again, she became FAMOUS!!!
  3. I read in Time Magazine that this one dude who had a blog, had Google do some ads on it and made a whole buncha money from people clicking on it.'s worth a try. So go an ad. It won't hurt

A little info about myself....I'm your typical youngin' (I'm not THAT young) who just does what a girl's gotta do. I work, go to school, and try to play. To tell you the truth, whenever I'm able to go out and enjoy myself, it's REALLY a treat. If you care to donate any gift cards (I LOVE Outback Steakhouse!) just write a comment on this post and we can arrange for you to be the giver and me the receiver of a scrumptious steak dinner ... I'm joking. Please don't offer to give me a gift card.

I'm gonna really try to write in this blog everyday and just let ya know the random things that run through a girl's mind and what my life entails. For now...I can't really come up with anything to write about....but I WILL be making some additions later on today. You can quote me on that .


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