Friday, March 11, 2005


As I sit here, wiping my nose and drinking an unbelivable amount of orange juice for a human being (well, not a sick human being, that is), I think to myself, "Freakin A, man!!!! Why the hell am I sick. I hate being sick!!!" Well, that's not entirely true. I hate being sick to a certain extent. Here is my list of Pros and Cons for whenever I am sick:

1) I get to watch all of the reruns of Friends and Sex and the City that my little heart desires (I own Seasons 1,2, & 3 of Friends and Seasons 1 & 2 of Sex and the City, which obviously is evidence that I am missing quite a few seasons of each series, so if you care to buy a couple of Get Well seasons of either series, hit me up on a comment. You can hook me up ::wink wink::)
2) I get to stay in my pajamas all day and perhaps forget to brush my teeth with an excuse (Let's face it, even a glam girl gets to be a little unglam when she's sick)
3) I get to cover my pretty little eyes with one of those little slumber eye covers that says Beauty Sleep and not seem too "into myself".
4) I get to catch all of the cool shows (okay...basically they are reruns of the shows I miss throughout the week because of school) on MTV

1) Dry throat
2) Limited diet
3) Congestion (BLAH!!! That's the worst!!!)
4) Stuffy nose
5) let's be honest!!! Stinky teeth all day is nasty....I don't like it. But nevertheless, you still have an excuse when you are sick
6) You get SOOOOO bored being "held captive" in the same four walls all day (I can see why those housewives are so desperate...YIKES!!!)
7) Exhaustion

Ok, fine.....the cons definitely outnumber the pros...but being sick every now and then is okay. After all, it lets you clean out your system. Power to the cold!!! Whoo-hoo.


Blogger AmandaDufau said...

Feel better girl. Hope you return to your "glam" self soon!

8:36 AM  

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