Monday, January 31, 2005

The Essence of Camera Phones

I personally think that camera phones are misunderstood. They have gotten such a horrible reputation from people who "claim" that inappropriate pictures were taken of them. Give me a break! Just think of it this we ALL have our own paparazzi. But you see, camera phones are not just to take pictures of people or even attempt to photograph a naked limb. Instead, the true need for cameras is very simple. Say you are driving to work and although you left home at a decent time, the unbelievable traffic basically guarantees you will be arriving at work late. While this would seem like a valid excuse when you get to work, some bosses sometimes have sticks stuck in certain circular crevices and give you the hardest time imaginable. Now, if you have a camera phone, simply take a picture of the traffic and when your boss begins to act uptight, simply show him the picture. And don't think he can question its authenticity. After all, each picture records the date and time it was taken. So there you go...problem solved! What about when you want to convince your boss you can't make it into work because of the snow, but he refuses to believe that since it only snowed an inch where the business is. All you gotta say? "Check your email in 5 minutes". In the meantime, take a picture of the snow that accumulated outside and send it to his email and voila! You get an excused day off from work.

But, you see, camera phones are not for the fibbers. Nope. If you have wrong intentions, the camera phone will never work in your favor. Camera phones are meant for those who are tired of being categorized with the mischievous co-workers whenever they have a crisis. My advice....get a camera phone and begin your path towards living a pure life. Well.....not necessarily a pure life....but you know what I mean.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

My Devotion to Jeeves

Because I was misinformed, I was under the impression that the celebration of Lent began yester, January 29th. However, when I went onto (also known as Jeeves hangout....ya know, the dude who answers EVERY question you might have about ANYTHING!) Anyways, thanks to Jeeves, I found out that Lent officially begins on Ash Wednesday (February 9th). In case you are wondering exactly what Lent is, simply go to (that's a site that came up when I typed in "What is Lent") Anyways, back to the topic. Because I was misinformed about the beginning date of Lent, this means I get to enjoy two more weeks of what I was officially going to give up. That is.....US Weekly and In Touch. Yes, I am VERY obsessed with the personal lives of famous people. It is one of my guilty pleasures and especially one of my weaknesses. After giving endless thanks to the God that is Jeeves, I realized, "Wow. Jeeves has really helped me in my most dire times of needs." Recently, I rushed into work and immediately typed in to find the answer to a menstrual question that was plaguing me since the night before. I then realized that next to, was my answer to the miracle of life. I literally owe the creators of my life. They have helped me in the most dire times of need. Does anybody know the address for Mr. Jeeves? If so, please leave a comment on my page with it. Thanks a bunch!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

JLo......Talented or thief?!?!

I'm sure you all have probably heard Jennifer Lopez's new single, Get Right, off of her soon to be released album, Rebirth. Well, according to recent reports, that is exactly what Lopez did with her latest single, she rebirthed it. As I was driving to work the other day, I was listening to the Hollywood Hot Sheet on one of my favorite local radio stations, when all of a sudden, they reported that R&B sensation Usher was probably looking to sue Jennifer Lopez and/or her producers for taking a song he axed from his Confessions playlist and literally using it word for word, beat and all, as Lopez's own. Now, I'm not a big Lopez fanatic. I mean, sure, by all means, represent for the Latinas and show that being voluptious IS sexy. But to steal a song, most of all THAT ONE, and call it your own?!?!? That's not even a great song to steal. Sure the video is full of "hot dance moves" (none hotter than 1,2 Step by Ciara) and about 6 Jennifer Lopez's, but the song, on a scale of one to ten, in my opinion gets a mere 4. Jennifer's voice is childish on it and sounds just a bit too squeaky for my taste. And the beat....oh yeah, that's annoying to the point that I care to gauge my eyes out. Ironically, that song can definitely get repeat on my Dell Pocket DJ while I "get it right" on the treadmill. Blah....everybody talks so much crap about Britney Spears, but Jennifer Lopez is a lost case just the same. The only difference? Lopez is a bit more diva about it.

Friday, January 28, 2005

The 5 T.G.A.F.s (The Good About Fridays)

Just some things I was thinking about.

  1. Throughout the ENTIRE week, you wake up late, sometimes dreading to go to work, but mainly just dreading the waking-up-so-early part. But on Fridays, you are so ecstatic that the weekend is literally RIGHT around the corner, that you wake up early with no problem. This may be because you are so excited it's Casual Friday at work and you can rock your new, great fitting jeans from American Eagle (That is, if Casual Fridays even exists at your job).
  2. Clearing your desk for the weekend seems just a bit easier and more enjoyable since you won't be returning for two days.
  3. People seem just a bit more easy going at work. Almost as if for the first half of the week, we are just a bunch of walking zombies.
  4. The gym is full of people who REALLY want to go to the gym after 5pm. What's missing? The pretty, young ladies who just like to walk around the gym and pretend they are using the machines (they change machines every 2 minutes!) In reality, they are only there to show off the new workout gear they bought at some pricey boutique and how it fits SOOOO well. Where are these ladies on Fridays you ask? Simple. Getting ready for the bar, club, party, and/or Happy Hour.
  5. I read in Health Magazine that when an employee wears jeans to work (ex. Casual Fridays), they burn an EXTRA 20 calories a day. YAY!!! Friday is probably my healthiest day =)

To be able to have THAT kind of money!

So as I sit at my desk this morning, having the usual morning yogurt, (mmm....mixed berries!) I was scrolling through when I came across a headline that caught my eye: Two consumer product giants to merge. I think to myself, "What a wonderful world." Well....not really, but I am listening to that song. Duke Ellington was the man! Ok, back to the headline. I thought to myself, "Who could possibly be merging now?" I mean, I was intrigued when AOL and Time Warner announced their merger and I was recently astonished to hear that Sears and KMart would be merging (do you KNOW how awesome those prices are gonna be?!?!??!) When I clicked on the link, I realized that Proctor & Gamble, who is already the world's largest consumer products company, plans to buy Gillette for an estimated $57 billion. Now, Gillette is already a VERY successful consumer products company, but to merge the two....could you even begin to imagine the profits?!?!?! In case your wondering, here are what each company manufacters:



But definitely the down side to this is the fact that there will be about a 4% job cut, meaning 140,000 employees will be laid off in order to eliminate management overlaps and what not. Now, is it really worth it? I mean, sure the jobs cut could be much higher and the profit that P&G will make would be of extrenuous proportions, but is it really worth it? In a time when our economy is STILL trying to pick up after 9/11/01, is it really fair to tell those 140,000, "Well, we apologize, but we are just trying to increase our profit and don't really care what happens to you or your family"? I will tell you this much, P&G/Gillette could expect to loose 140,000 customers pretty quickly. But then again, I'm sure they don't really care about that. After all, they already ARE the world's largest consumer products company. But why is it that morals are ALWAYS overlooked just to make an extra buck? At the beginning of this entry, I thought that to be able to have that kind of money would truly be a blessing. Now, I just think it would be a blessing if you could help rather than cause havoc. Just my thoughts.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Boy Band and some Blue Gatorade....

So, I'm sitting at my desk at work, eating my chef salad, drinking my blue Gatorade, and listening to the usual Listen While You Work station, when all of a sudden, "Tearin Up My Heart" by N'SYNC starts to play. Now, I wasn't really an N'SYNC type of girl...oh no...I was SOOOOOO the Backstreet Boys girl. But this song was just so reminiscent of middle school and all of my experiences during that time. Now, please do not misunderstand, I NEVER want to go back to middle school. The experience was horrid! But the one thing that I did in fact enjoy was my innocence and obsession with....drumroll, please.....BOY BANDS! Any and every boy band that came out, I had to know each members name and all the words to their songs. Ahhh yes....this was when my collection began of Backstreet Boy, N'SYNC, 98ยบ, and even the Spice Girls CDs. Now, I wasn't one of those derranged fans like my sister was with the New Kids On Block (I loved them, too!) I didn't have the bed sheets, the wall to wall posters, the neverending flooding of Teen Bop and J-14 in my room, and all of such nonsense. Instead, I just had the CDs, maybe a poster or two, and perhaps a video. Come to think of it, I never even went to a concert. It wasn't that serious. Instead, I was simply content in listening to their harmonic voices and their so-called melodies while dreaming I would meet a man that could be half the man that a Backstreet Boy was. Oh yes....they were my guilty pleasure. Except, they weren't really a guilty pleasure. I happily admitted to listening to the Boys. I proudly proclaimed to the world that I was in fact a BSB fanatic whenever I donned a shirt that beared the Boys' faces. I was in fact your typical teeny bopper. Obviously those days have come and gone...but nonetheless, I'm happy I went through that phase. It was fun. It was excusable. It was definitely representative of easier times.

Ahhh, yes....the beauty of a blog!

Welcome one, welcome all! I decided to go ahead and start this blog for various reasons:

  1. I thought it would be a great way to keep my family and friends up-to-date with how my vida is going. Yep.....distance does make the heart grow fonder!
  2. There was this one chick who had a blog and she became REALLY famous by it (her blog name was Washingtonienne). But she got fired because she did dirty things on Capitol Hill and proceeded to write about it online. But then again, she became FAMOUS!!!
  3. I read in Time Magazine that this one dude who had a blog, had Google do some ads on it and made a whole buncha money from people clicking on it.'s worth a try. So go an ad. It won't hurt

A little info about myself....I'm your typical youngin' (I'm not THAT young) who just does what a girl's gotta do. I work, go to school, and try to play. To tell you the truth, whenever I'm able to go out and enjoy myself, it's REALLY a treat. If you care to donate any gift cards (I LOVE Outback Steakhouse!) just write a comment on this post and we can arrange for you to be the giver and me the receiver of a scrumptious steak dinner ... I'm joking. Please don't offer to give me a gift card.

I'm gonna really try to write in this blog everyday and just let ya know the random things that run through a girl's mind and what my life entails. For now...I can't really come up with anything to write about....but I WILL be making some additions later on today. You can quote me on that .