The Essence of Camera Phones
I personally think that camera phones are misunderstood. They have gotten such a horrible reputation from people who "claim" that inappropriate pictures were taken of them. Give me a break! Just think of it this we ALL have our own paparazzi. But you see, camera phones are not just to take pictures of people or even attempt to photograph a naked limb. Instead, the true need for cameras is very simple. Say you are driving to work and although you left home at a decent time, the unbelievable traffic basically guarantees you will be arriving at work late. While this would seem like a valid excuse when you get to work, some bosses sometimes have sticks stuck in certain circular crevices and give you the hardest time imaginable. Now, if you have a camera phone, simply take a picture of the traffic and when your boss begins to act uptight, simply show him the picture. And don't think he can question its authenticity. After all, each picture records the date and time it was taken. So there you go...problem solved! What about when you want to convince your boss you can't make it into work because of the snow, but he refuses to believe that since it only snowed an inch where the business is. All you gotta say? "Check your email in 5 minutes". In the meantime, take a picture of the snow that accumulated outside and send it to his email and voila! You get an excused day off from work.
But, you see, camera phones are not for the fibbers. Nope. If you have wrong intentions, the camera phone will never work in your favor. Camera phones are meant for those who are tired of being categorized with the mischievous co-workers whenever they have a crisis. My advice....get a camera phone and begin your path towards living a pure life. Well.....not necessarily a pure life....but you know what I mean.