Monday, January 21, 2008

Get it. Got it. Done.

Well, as per Saturday's post, I did in fact accomplish quite a bit. Not as much as I wanted to, but quite a bit nonetheless =)

I went to all of the stores I wanted to go to except Winn-Dixie, which I ended up going to on Sunday. I ended up getting all of the things I wanted to get, plus a couple of extra, inexpensive knick-knacks. By 12:30, I was home and ready for lunch. Once I grubbed and let it digest, I began my cleaning duties but was only able to do both bathrooms and sweep and mop the kitchen floor =\ Apparently, cleaning and pregnancy don't ALWAYS work hand in hand. Sucks, but I did what I could. After all of the cleaning and resting in between, I jumped in the shower at about 6pm so that I could at least be showered and made-up by the time the Mr. got home from work so we could head out for my friend's birthday shindig.

We ended up having a great time at Bongos and left at about 12:30. We really had no choice. They started playing house music and everybody around us started jumping a bit aggressively. The hubs and I looked at eachother and non-verbally suggested, "Let's get outta here." Gotta protect the possible athletic investment in my belly =)

On Sunday, we took the most exciting first step in nursery preparation....we painted the room! =) We painted it a baby blue that is actually called Sapphireberry by BEHR. I'll take pics of the entire room when it's finally set up so you can share in the excitement with us =)

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Whistle while you work!

Do you see the time of this post?

Do you realize that TODAY is a Saturday and to be up at this time, while you are in your third trimester is almost completely unheard of?

I knew I would be up early today, but I didn't think it would be right after the Mr. left to work =P

Sensational! Means I can get more done today.

So far, I have gone onto Big Lots' website and looked over some of their inventory to make sure of what I am going to get there when I go this morning. I have also put one of our comforters to wash and will prepare to put in the sheets and other comforter shortly.

On my To-Do List today:
  • Go to Walmart, Target, Big Lots, and Winn-Dixie for different reasons:
- Walmart - Because I need some lotion that is ONLY sold at Walmart, plus I need to pick up some household essentials (bath tissue, paper towels, etc.)
- Target - Because mama needs a new pair of shoes =P I've been on the hunt for comfortable, prego-appropriate shoes for my baby shower for about a week now. Haven't had any luck =\ So I shall try today.
- Big Lots - Mainly because I like their deals and I want to see if I can get a shower curtain rod there for the Mr. to finally be able to use the second shower instead of the hall shower that restricts him a bit. It's a teeny shower-only and for a 6'1", 220lb. man, it is just a teeny bit small. The other bathroom is a full shower and tub and he has anxiously been waiting for the final cleaning and preparation of it so he doesn't look like Buddy the Elf when he takes a shower anymore =P
- Winn Dixie - Well...because we need to eat, right? Not that big of a mystery....
  • Clean the entire house (includes: bathrooms, bedrooms, floors, and kitchen....from TOP to BOTTOM) Gotta clarify that because some people consider cleaning to be surface cleaning where the dust no longer shows. Nope...not the case at all.
  • Finish a couple of loads of laundry once I get some laundry detergent from one of the above-referenced locales.
  • Get ready before the Mr. gets home at 7 to go out to Bongos to help one of my best friends celebrate her 23rd birthday! =) Yay!
Well, I believe that is all I will get to typing for now....especially if I plan on doing everything on my list =) Ta-ta!

**Update** The second comforter wash will have to be a no because apparently the washer leaks when it's a big load like that =\ Gotta talk to the hubby about that.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

**sniff sniff**

Do you know what kind of heaven I am in this morning?!?!?

The cleaning lady for our office has come in and started her twice-a-week cleaning ritual. The smell of Fabuloso and Pine Sol is invading my senses and causing me to enter an indescribable euphoria.


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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ice, Cleaning Supplies, and Stretchie Pants

I know I haven't posted on here in a while. So sue me =P

If you had any idea whatsoever of what I've been going through within the past twelve months, then you would understand...completely! =)

Let's see. The easiest way to update you? Within the past twelve months I have had surgery, gotten pregnant, gotten engaged, and gotten married (and yes, in that exact order!) However, the only one of the four that is ever prominent in my everyday life would be #2. The fact that I am pregnant is playing such a big role in my life that to explain it, I would need about a week to simply come up with the ROUGH draft of what I would say. I now understand when women say that you no longer think or worry about yourself; instead, it is all for the baby.

I am about 7 1/2 months along and I must say, it has been an interesting ride. I haven't had any "unusual" cravings, per se. The only slight craving I have had is sweet and salty at the same time, but I used to crave that BEFORE I was pregnant so I'm not thinking that it actually counts. As of late, I have had an obsession with the smell of cleaning supplies. Anything and everything that involves cleaning is something I have become infatuated with. The smell of Pine Sol, toilet bowl cleaner, Windex, Fabuloso, etc. etc. etc. It all smells SO delicious to me! So much so that I look forward to the cleaning lady coming to the office just as I look forward to a 7 day cruise!!!

I have also found comfort in chewing ice. No water. No soda. Nothing to accompany the ice. Just. Plain. Ice. Yum! And if it's crushed, EVEN better!

Part of the title of this blog is Stretchie Pants... I have no obsession with them, but they sure are comfortable when your belly is growing by the day! So I decided they deserved some homage in the title.

Well, seeing as I can't post that much right at the moment (since I am at work) I will post some more later today.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

Wow. I haven't been here in a verrrrrrrryyyyy long time. It feels so weird to just be typing in this text box. It's almost like unfamiliar territory to me. But I have so much to tell that I couldn't stay away any longer =)

My life has taken a complete 180 compared to where I was this time last year. I am once again living in Miami and to tell you the truth, it is nothing like I imagined it would be. For so long, I quickly shook off the thought of moving back to Miami because I felt as if I would be taking a big step backwards. I felt as if coming back would label me a failure, a quitter. But the complete opposite has proven to be the case. I am working at a job that meets the salary I was making in Virginia (which is GREAT, because that salary would be ideal for a person with significant bills) and I will be starting school here in the fall. With the way things have been going, I really see a promising future; an auspicious future. But it's so funny because I have already been here for over a month and it still feels as if I am on vacation. It still feels as if I will be going back to Virginia in a week or so. Strange, huh? Slowly but surely, the realization that I will not be going back is creeping up on me.

The one thing that has definitely not changed is the fact that after coming back, things have just picked up with family and friends as if I never went anywhere. It feels as if I have either been here these past 3 years or just been on vacation for a while. That is actually something I am very grateful for because it gives me that sense of personal security. I mean, you always figure your family will be there, but you don't truly understand the validity of that until you are seperated from them for some time, come back, and they greet you with not open arms, but extended arms. I am so grateful for each and every one of them.

I also have another issue. I'm not necessarily "happy" with my body at this moment. I mean, it's good (not fat, not skinny, just how I like it) but I definitely want to undergo some SERIOUS toning. I'm gonna be starting this challenge that I found online by Lee Labrada and to be quite honest, I am REALLY excited about it. I will let you all know how it is going once I get it underway!

Well, that's all for now =) Thanks for reading and coming back to my page, people! I REALLY appreciate it!

Oh yeah, thanks to my Mr. Big for letting me know people still read my blog =)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just being a first-rate verison of myself instead of a second-rate version of someone else

Seeing as I haven't posted in quite some time, I have decided to definitely make this a worthwhile post and just throw out a bunch of info that those of you out there who know me might find some interest in (but then again, you guys DO have your own lives to live, so reading this is probably just pure entertainment for you)

- Some of my friends know that I have a new found interest (which borders on obsession) with ballet. I want to take some classes soon because while I have recently decided to actually pursue it, I have ALWAYS loved all forms of dance, especially ballet. And while I am not looking to attend Julliard, I still want to try to become somewhat intermediate. So wish me luck =)

- I finished reading The Broke Diaries, and might I add that it was a hell of a funny book! I was laughing out loud on SO MANY occasions that it was almost embarassing. But nevertheless, the book is definitely worth it! So go to your nearest book store and pick up a copy....PRONTO!

- I am officially addicted to Myspace! This website is like the epitome of the "center of the world". Literally. I have been able to find everybody and their mother on this site and even if I don't know the person, it is still fun to browse their site, see what music video/clip they have up, or just look at their pics. It's awesome! It rocks! It's THAT good!

- Just so you all know, Life is going pretty darn good. I love my new job and I love even more the fact that I have TWO days off a week. Yay me!

Ok, I know this post wasn't SO worthwhile....but I'll make it up to you guys. I promise =)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rambling is always key least when it comes to speaking what is on my mind. Here are some ramblings that perhaps my small, but very meaningful audience shall enjoy....well, hopefully.

  • I received a phone call this morning from my OB-GYN. Now, my female readers can agree that a call from your OB-GYN 2 months after a pap smear is most definitely a reason to be somewhat nervous. So when I call them back, it so happens that on my results for my pap smear, I had some atypical cells show up. Now, before anyone worries or freaks out or whatever, the nurse assured me that it is nothing to be worried about because it so happens that my results were negatvie for HPV, which is what causes cervical cancer. She also assured me that is quite common for results to come back like that if, say, I am near my menstrual cycle or something like that. So worry not, my friends. I will have to have another pap smear in 4 months just to make sure the results come back normal so come fast January =)
  • My boyfriend is visiting and will be leaving early Sunday morning...but that doesn't mean we will just stay home and act melancholy. No, no, no. We will be driving up to NYC today after I get out of work at 2 pm. Yay!!! It will be Fancy Magic's first trip to the Big Apple and I am so excited for her =)
  • I am going to give up fast food...cold turkey. Lately, after I've eaten Taco Bell or McDonalds or ANY fast food for that matter, my stomach starts growling as if it is going to eat itself from the inside out. more fast food for me.

Okay...well, it's 1:30 and I have to finish some things here at work before I head out. Have a splendid weekend =)