Peek-a-boo! I see you!
Wow. I haven't been here in a verrrrrrrryyyyy long time. It feels so weird to just be typing in this text box. It's almost like unfamiliar territory to me. But I have so much to tell that I couldn't stay away any longer =)
My life has taken a complete 180 compared to where I was this time last year. I am once again living in Miami and to tell you the truth, it is nothing like I imagined it would be. For so long, I quickly shook off the thought of moving back to Miami because I felt as if I would be taking a big step backwards. I felt as if coming back would label me a failure, a quitter. But the complete opposite has proven to be the case. I am working at a job that meets the salary I was making in Virginia (which is GREAT, because that salary would be ideal for a person with significant bills) and I will be starting school here in the fall. With the way things have been going, I really see a promising future; an auspicious future. But it's so funny because I have already been here for over a month and it still feels as if I am on vacation. It still feels as if I will be going back to Virginia in a week or so. Strange, huh? Slowly but surely, the realization that I will not be going back is creeping up on me.
The one thing that has definitely not changed is the fact that after coming back, things have just picked up with family and friends as if I never went anywhere. It feels as if I have either been here these past 3 years or just been on vacation for a while. That is actually something I am very grateful for because it gives me that sense of personal security. I mean, you always figure your family will be there, but you don't truly understand the validity of that until you are seperated from them for some time, come back, and they greet you with not open arms, but extended arms. I am so grateful for each and every one of them.
I also have another issue. I'm not necessarily "happy" with my body at this moment. I mean, it's good (not fat, not skinny, just how I like it) but I definitely want to undergo some SERIOUS toning. I'm gonna be starting this challenge that I found online by Lee Labrada and to be quite honest, I am REALLY excited about it. I will let you all know how it is going once I get it underway!
Well, that's all for now =) Thanks for reading and coming back to my page, people! I REALLY appreciate it!
Oh yeah, thanks to my Mr. Big for letting me know people still read my blog =)