DAMN HACKERS!!!!!! Grrrrrr!!!!
I have never been the victim of a hacking incident, but on the other hand, maybe I have and I just don't know it because it is not SPLASHED all over the internet like celebrity victims (i.e., Paris Hilton, Fred Durst, etc.) Well, I was browsing through a messageboard and I noticed that another celebrity had their T-Mobile Sidekick II hacked into. Now, while this celebrity is not a Julia Roberts or even a Britney Spears, she is famous in the hip-hop world, the latino world, and most importantly, the FHM world. Her name is Vida Guerra.

Vida got her start on FHM as a girl who had just sent in her picture and when pictures of her were published, the mail they received was unbelivable and she was called back for a photo shoot leaving the rest to be history. Well, I have loved her since I first saw her because her curvaceous body makes me proud to be a curvaceous woman myself. Not to mention, she is Cuban, which makes me very proud. She has also been in music videos which include Kanye West's "New Workout Plan" and most recently Frankie J's "Obsession (No Es Amor)". I really do love this girl. Her beauty and confidence is so exhillerating and although I have not had the chance to meet her, I hear that she is a total sweetheart.
Now for the bad part. Her T-Mobile Sidekick II was hacked into and her pictures were posted online. Now I know what you are thinking, "Well, that's not bad. She's a model after all." And while this is true, some of the photos were nude photos. I feel bad for her. People takes pictures in their own privacy...CELEBRITIES INCLUDED!!! But if she didn't distribute, why would somebody feel compelled to hack into her system and splash them all over the net?!?!?! I will not give you guys the link of the pictures because truthfully, she is not one who would instigate such an attack and I won't really take part in distributing those pics. Bastards!!! >(
Sorry, Vida =(

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