Sunday, April 24, 2005


Ladies and gentlemen, I have some extremely heart-wrenching news.....I have discovered a cavity on one of my pearly whites!!! Could you with a CAVITY!!! Yikes! But then again, I am sure I have provoked this matter. You see, I have not visited the dentist since 4th grade. Isn't that sad? No. Isn't that depressing? While there is in fact no excuse whatsoever for me skipping out on the dentist for so long, I have been able to maintain a healthy smile. However, I did not religiously start flossing until like a month ago. I actually just recently became very religious about ALL of my beauty regime. For example, before I used to skip out every once in a blue moon on washing my face before bed, but now.....oh no! Don't even attempt to pull me away from my ritual of face washing and cream applying before bed. I also always apply either Vitamin E lotion or Cocoa Butter lotion after every single bath/shower. I heard somewhere that this helps prevent stretchmarks in the future. Every night after washing my face, I apply petroleum jelly around my eyes to help prevent the development of wrinkles and fine lines and I always make sure to apply the Nivea Renewing Night Hand Creme. All of these things may just be a marketing tool, but I love using them and I feel all the more lady-like when I use them.

Anyways...back to the dreaded cavity (dun dun dun!) The minute I took a reeeeeeeeal good look at it, I realized it was still in its early stages because it still hasn't gotten that nasty little black color to it....THANK THE ALMIGHTY LORD! But I do know that it is there because I feel a discomfort whenever I eat something that is either hot, cold, or very sweet. So once I caught a glimpse of this bully of a cavity, I went ahead and Google-d some info and pictures on devloping cavities. Sure enough, there was some info and pics on how a tooth looks with a cavity that is just forming. Yup...I've got it =( So, the first thing I will do tomorrow when I get in the office is call the dentist (wow! It's been soooooo very long) and book the soonest appointment to have my unwanted visitor taken care of. I will keep you guys posted on that after my visit.

But for now, here is a link that I'm sure you all will enjoy to keep your pearly whites pearly =)


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