Breathe in....breathe out.....
Well, I have to begin this post by admitting that I am just a bit stressed out. I am very frusterated with my work environment right now considering I have to work 6 days a week to even be able to IMAGINE making ends meet. It's very stressful and extremely frusterating, especially considering the fact that I absolutely LOVE my job, but not the pay. I love the people, but not the compensation. Blah. I'm stressed. This isn't necessarily a good thing to be saying after a two-day training where it was brought to our attention that the biggest cause of death is stress-related. Yikes =\ Another thing that was said at this training was how when the trainer went to an all-women's jail, he interviewed a lady who had been a hooker. This lady had put her four children through college, 3 of them being honor students. Hmmmmm. Nah....nevermind. My mother would beat the Cuban off of me so fast I wouldn't know what hit me.
In happier news, I have been listening to this audiobook in the car for the past couple of days, and I cannot begin to explain how excited I get at the chance to drive, even if it means to the gas station on the corner. The excitement that comes over me just to listen to another intriguing minute of a tale of deception, love, lust, passion, and everything else that is the Dirty Girls Social Club. I had begun to read this book when my fall semester started last August, but I get so caught up in school that I couldn't finish it. Then, I remembered last week that my sister had bought the audiobook long before I had purchased the book, and became excited to know I could hear the story during my 30-minute commute to work every morning and back every evening. Sure enough, I have been listening, and I have fallen completely head over heels with the sucias. If you have not read this book yet, I suggest you do so. Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez is one of the most talented Latina authors I have ever come across in my literary history. You sit there and can't even help but become each and every one of the sucias in one way or another. I love it! I'm gonna email the author and tell her how I love her book, how I can't wait to buy her other books (probably on because I am very broke and if the book costs more than $10, I can't =\ did you think I bought the Dirty Girls Social Club???? I had to wait for Barnes & Noble to be selling it for like $10. Ooooooooh....come to think of it....maybe the used book store has some of her books!!!!! YAY!!!!) I will also tell her I am trying to venture into the world of writing, but I need some real tips from a real writer. This is her......

She's so purrty. I'll tell her to come to my blog when I send her the email=) Whoo-hoo....a celebrity in my blog. YAY!!!! =)=)=) Oh's one of her books....shhhhheck it out, meng.

And her website is
Celebrity? That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. :-)
Nice blog. Nice email. Thanks for the support. I'm rushing off to the airport, but will try to be more inspiring later.
Best of luck with your writing. You certainly have the chutzpa to make it in writing, or any field you choose.
Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez
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