Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Kill them with kindness...

I have learned something these past few days and I would like to share it with you all. There are times when you cannot control who you work with and/or deal with on a daily basis, but that doesn't mean that you should let that bring you down. I have had a conflict with a certain person this past week or so and yesterday, I had it out with this person through email. I said many things that, whether or not they were necessary, they were in fact disrespectful and that is not me at all. That is not me to judge a person's character, whether or not they have judged mine. That is not me to question a person's actions, whether or not they are good. That is not me to challenge a person, whether physically or verbally. That is simply not me. Now, I told this person every little thing that was on my mind, with no reservations whatsoever, and like I said, much of what I said was very harsh, in my opinion, after I read through everything. Granted, this person will never be my best friend nor will this person ever be somebody I could just go out and get a cup of coffee with. However, and unfortunately, I do have to work with this person. I do have to deal with this person and be cordial with this person in a business setting. I don't have to cater to this person, I don't have to please this person, and I surely don't have to encounter this person out of the workplace and be Ms. Happy-Go-Lucky. Because of this, I have decided that when I see this person, I will smile and say, "Hello, so and so. How are you today?" And the reason for that is because despite what the person thinks, I KNOW I am being the bigger person and I KNOW that while it is not required, it is still something the bigger person would do. I am the bigger person and I know that to succeed in life, you do have to be the bigger person in certain situations, even if it means killing them with kindness.

I just had a meeting with my boss on a work arrangement that would entail me to work with this person on a weekly basis and I assured him that at the office, I will be professional. I will act like a professional and I will encounter every situation as a professional. Whether I have a countdown or not, I know that making my work environment as pleasurable as possible will make time pass by so much quicker because if not, it will seem as if the clock is taking 10 minutes to tick one second. So with that said, I am being the bigger person in this situation and regardless of my personal opinions of this person, I will treat this person in a professional manner at the workplace.

**WOW....sounds like a proposal!**


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